What court cases await Trump after January 20?

 Exactly at noon on January 20, 2021, Donald Trump will leave the presidency and become a private person. At the same time, he will lose one of the main advantages that the head of state in the United States has - full immunity from prosecution.

"Have mercy on everyone"

Last week, hours after the pardon was announced for his former national security adviser Michael

Flynn, President Trump made it clear that he himself deserves a full pardon.

The head of the White House tweeted a post previously posted by Republican Congressman Matt 

Gaetz, in which the legislator said that the president should pardon everyone, starting with himself 

and including employees of his administration.

The left is thirsty for blood, and it will only calm down if it can 
pursue those who fought alongside Donald Trump for American 
Matt Gaetz

According to the US Constitution, the President has the right to declare a pardon for any citizen 

of the country, regardless of the severity of the crimes committed. In the past four years, Trump 

has taken this opportunity extensively.

The long list of those exempted from criminal liability includes a close friend and  adviser to the 

presidential campaign headquarters Roger Stone, convicted of perjury and attempts to intimidate 

witnesses, ex- New York police chief Bernard Kerik, prosecuted for tax fraud, former Illinois 

Governor Rod Blagojevich, caught on extortion, and convicted of fraud media mogul Konrad Black.

According to a long-standing tradition, the outgoing president announces the loudest pardons 

before leaving the White House forever.

Washington does not exclude that in the coming weeks Trump may 
sign a decree pardoning himself, thereby avoiding possible criminal 
    prosecution in the future.
What will Trump lose?

According to the New York Times, in the past four years, Trump has been involved in exactly 30 

civil and criminal cases related to his election campaign, taxes and companies belonging to him.

This list also includes several lawsuits against the President for the 
protection of honor and dignity, already accepted by the courts for 

Until now, the president's lawyers have managed to insist on the postponement of the court 

hearings, citing the immunity of the head of state. According to the lawyers of the US 

Department of Justice, who represented the interests of the head of the White House in the courts, 

the content of any documents related to Trump also cannot be disclosed in a public hearing.

All of these arguments will expire at noon on January 20, 2021. In addition, the ex-president will not 

be able to count on the help of representatives of the Ministry of Justice.

Experts admit that on some of the charges, Trump could face a real prison sentence. Most, 

however, agree that most likely the court hearings will end with the payment of substantial fines 

and compensation to the victims.

There is not a single federal or local law that would prevent the 
ex-president from being sentenced to imprisonment, but there has 
never been such a precedent in US history, so the courts are 
unlikely to take such a radical step.
Richard Frolick
Columbia University Law Faculty Lecturer

Another problem for Trump may be the public disclosure of the details of his business deals and  

 bank loans. Over the past four years, the President of the United States has consistently refused 

to disclose the details of his tax returns , citing the fact that they have been audited all this time.

According to Forbes magazine , the debts of companies owned by Trump are more than $ 1 billion, 

and in the next two years the former businessman will have to pay creditors in excess of

 $ 450 million.

Who and under what conditions provided such loans to an 
entrepreneur who has declared bankruptcy of his companies at 
least six times is still not known.
What threatens Trump

Most of the lawsuits Trump should worry about will come from his hometown, New York.

In 2018, the President's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to violating the 

rules for the use of funds received on the campaign accounts.

According to the indictment, before the 2016 elections, he  paid porn star Stormy Daniels 

$ 130,000 for nondisclosure of information about her sexual relationship with Trump.

The money was transferred from the candidate's campaign account.

The name of the payer was not mentioned in the documents of the case. He was featured as 

"Individual-1", but prosecutors were quick to clarify that he was also a successful US presidential 


The Federal Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, which was preparing an 

indictment against Michael Cohen, then decided not to bring any charges against the incumbent 

president, citing the immunity of the head of state. Nevertheless, the prepared materials on the 

case became a pretext for initiating criminal cases against Trump.

A source: Reuters
Double-entry bookkeeping

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance has launched an investigation into "possible large-scale 

and long-running criminal offenses " owned by the president of the Trump Organization. Potential 

charges include tax return and insurance fraud, and willful asset manipulation.

It is a criminal offense under New York State law to undervalue 
assets to generate additional income.

As part of his deal with the investigation, the president's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, 

said that Trump used double-entry bookkeeping in his business: one in which assets were 

overvalued to obtain loans and credits, and the other, which indicated an undervalued value, to 

minimize taxes.

As the New Nork Times found out , the use of this scheme allowed Trump to not pay income taxes 

at all for 10 years.

In the two years he did pay the government, he only paid $ 750 a 

The district attorney's office has already formally demanded that law firm Mazars USA LLC provide 

Trump's tax filings for the past eight years.

In October 2019, the US Supreme Court ruled that the president's immunity does not apply to a 

decision to transfer these documents to the Manhattan prosecutor's office.

Trump's lawyers tried to appeal against the Supreme Court verdict, but lost all appeals in the lower 

courts. At the last moment, the president's legal team again appealed to the Supreme Court, 

demanding to ban the transfer of documents "due to the extraordinary circumstances associated 

with the situation of the defendant."

A final decision on the case has not yet been made, but lawyers believe that Trump is unlikely to 

face criminal charges.

Forgery of business records, New York law imposes a penalty of 
a year in prison and a fine, or a suspended sentence with 
compensation. But in court, representatives of the prosecutor's 
office need to prove that Trump personally gave orders to forge 
documents, and not someone from his subordinates. In all 
likelihood, this very argument will become the main line of 
Richard Frolick
Other criminal cases

Another investigation into the outgoing US president is being led by New York State Attorney 

General Laetitia James. Court documents mention four Trump Organization development 

projects in New York City and State, Chicago and  Los Angeles, as well as a failed attempt by a 

businessman to buy the Buffalo Bills American football team.

According to the prosecution, the current head of the White House 
fraudulently inflated the value of his assets to obtain bank loans.

In March 2019, the state attorney general's office sent formal requests for submission of relevant 

documents to Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank. So far, we are talking about charges in the 

framework of civil proceedings, but Attorney General James has already announced that she is 

ready to transfer the case files to the district attorneys' offices if she manages to detect signs of 

criminal offenses.

What do women have to do with it?

In recent years, several women have accused Trump of sexual harassment and violence.

In her book, published in 2019, journalist Jean Carroll stated that Trump raped her 20 years ago in 

a fitting room of a clothing store. The US President denied these accusations, saying that they were 

made only to increase sales of the book, and Carroll herself is generally "not his type."

In response, the journalist filed a lawsuit for the protection of honor 
and dignity, accusing Trump of false accusations against her.

US Department of Justice lawyers, representing the president's interests, secured the transfer of 

the case from the New York state court to the federal court, insisting that Trump's words could not 

be a reason for legal proceedings, since they were protected by the immunity of the head of state.

At the end of October this year, the judge rejected the petition of the lawyers of the head of state.

The next consideration of the lawsuit should take place when Trump 
will be a private person and in this status will be obliged to give 
explanations in court and, possibly, agree to the necessary 
examinations, including DNA analysis.

A similar lawsuit against the president in early 2017 was filed by the former participant of the 

television show "The Apprentice" Summer Zervos. She stated that during filming, Trump kissed 

her forcibly and grabbed her by the chest.

The president has agreed to testify in court, but, at the insistence of his lawyers, hearings on the 

case can only begin after the decision of the New York State Court of Appeals , due in the middle 

of next year.

Can Trump have mercy on himself?

According to the American media, citing its own sources in the administration, since 2017, Trump 

has repeatedly asked his advisers to ask whether he can officially sign an order to pardon himself 

and his family members.

“When he found out that he had such a right, it became his obsession,” said a former senior CNN 

administration official.

Meanwhile, lawyers in the United States have not yet come to a 
consensus on whether the president of the country can, with one 
stroke of the pen, absolve himself of responsibility for any crime.

The second paragraph of the second article of the US Constitution does indeed read: "The 

President should ... have the power to grant deferrals and pardon for crimes against the United 


But until now, no president in US history has dared to exercise this 
right when it comes to himself.

Following the voluntary resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974, the Justice Department 

issued a special clarification, stating that such a pardon was not possible "under the fundamental 

rule that no one can act as a judge in their own case."

President Nixon, however, did not need this clarification: shortly after his resignation, he was fully

 pardoned by his successor as President of the United States, Gerald Ford.

According to lawyers in Washington, Donald Trump can take advantage of this very precedent, 

voluntarily resigning from his presidency on the eve of his inauguration on January 20, and thus 

giving Vice President Mike Pence the right to pardon his former boss.

True, according to US law, a presidential pardon applies only to federal crimes and does not apply 

to criminal and civil cases that are tried by district and district courts.

So none of the investigations currently underway in New York will be 

Despite the doubts of experts, Trump himself seems to be confident that he has every right to take 

such a step.

“As it has already been stated by numerous experts in the jurisprudence, I have the absolute right 

to Pardon myself, but why should I do this if I haven’t done anything illegal?” The president wrote 

on Twitter in 2018.




 source: BBC News Russian Service

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