North Korea denies sending a 'nice note' to Donald Trump

The relationship between North Korea and the United States continues to sour, with both sides issuing constant threats and statements against each other, especially with Donald Trump in power. The presidents holds back no words, and has been constantly critical of North Korea.

Donald Trump had recently claimed to have received a friendly letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

However, the Korean side recently denied the existence of any such letter and further attacked Trump for using the relationship between the two countries to further his “selfish” interests.

Just on Saturday, Trump announced in a press briefing that he had received a written note from Kim. “It was a nice note… I think that we’re doing fine”, he had said.
Additionally, Trump claimed that both the countries would have gone to war by now, had it not been for his diplomacy.

Amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, Trump has referred to himself as a “war time president”. This was countered by Joe Biden, his Democrat rival in this year’s elections, who asked him to “behave like one”.

“There was no letter addressed recently to the US president by the supreme leadership of the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea),” the Korean ministry announced on KCNA, a state run media channel.

“[Their relations] are not an issue to be taken up just for diversion, nor should [they] be misused for meeting selfish purposes,” the ministry pointed out.

Trump and Kim first met in 2018 during a summit in Singapore. The US president has constantly pushed for the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

But North Korea’s rhetoric continues to intensify. They recently announced plans to hit US hard, and that the time for diplomacy and talks was over.

After Kim called for withdrawal of sanctions against his country, which Trump rejected, the relationship between the countries continued to become stressful in 2019.

In the end of March, Trump has sent a letter to Kim and offered assistance in handling coronavirus. According to North Korean media, Trump claimed to have been “impressed” by Kim’s handling of the killer pandemic.

While the US continues to be battered by coronavirus, with over 40,000 deaths recorded so far - the highest for any country. Trump had recently announced that he expects 60,000 people to die in the country.

On the other hand, North Korea denies having any positive cases of coronavirus. However, a North Korean professor recently claimed that the country has many cases, however it’s hard to ascertain the exact number.

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