You can actually do better than these delimiting generalisations.
Why you should not let generalisations guide
your relationship. Instead gt to know everyone as individuals. [Credit:
Parents Magazine]
You need to relate with your partner based
on their personalities and not based off what you think people like them
like or dislike. [Credit: Shutterstock]
Things like “all men cheat,” and “women only want money” are well-known mantras; generalisations that the average Nigerian has heard over and over again.
Due to its repeated usage, and also because of
the relationship stories you may have come across, you may be fooled
into thinking that there’s a truth to these things.
In reality, what you’ll find is actually a
different thing altogether, and the earlier you realise this, the better
for you and your relationship, be it ongoing or forthcoming.
The relationship generalisations above, and
the many others that you know are not exactly hasty, because truly, many
experiences may have necessitated them.
However, as much as we can’t discredit
previous experiences people may have had in relationships, it is also
not OK to be prejudiced against people in the future without even giving
them a chance to express themselves.
So and so people like sex too much.
This and that kind of men are cheats and will surely break your heart.
Women from so and so can smell money from a mile away.
Men from here are bad fathers, women from there are concubine-keepers, yada yada yada.
The list goes on and on about the things
certain people will do and not do to you but you cannot allow this sole
thing determine how you approach relationships. People can’t be judged
by generalisations about people of their kind, just as books can’t be
judged by their covers.
Even while in relationships, you need to
relate with your partner based on their personalities and not based off
what you think people like them like or dislike. People are absolutely
different and as you must have heard, what pleases this person may not
rock the other person's boat in any way, even though they may share
cultural, gender, locational and even physical similarities.
Until you have given someone a chance to prove
their character, you can’t tell if he or she will make a bad partner.
And because relationships are deeply personal things involving only two
people, basing your judgement of a person on anything independent of him
or her is nothing but unfair.
And that’s exactly what you should do. Always.
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